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5 things to take care of during the last trimester

What is the third trimester?

A pregnancy lasts for about 40 weeks. The weeks are grouped into three trimesters. The third trimester
includes weeks 28 through 40 of pregnancy.
The third trimester could be the most challenging time, both emotionally and physically.

What things you should take care of?

1- Iron-rich food – Eat enough iron-rich food, which helps you to make red blood cells. Your baby
will take iron stores from your body so he won’t run short, but you might. Boost your iron intake
by having meals with iron sources, such as lean meat, leafy greens, and fortified cereal in your
diet. Have a glass of orange juice with your meals to help your body to absorb iron.

2- Strech well – This is the major time to learn stretches that will loosen up your body to get ready
for the birth. These stretches will give you some ideas and help to ease any pregnancy aches and
pains. Even the occasional stretch and wiggle can help you avoid pregnancy niggles such as leg
cramps. Just indulge in stretching in your routine and keep your body moving.

3- Learn about contractions – It may happen quite a few times during the third trimester that you
might start feeling the muscles of your womb tighten. These contractions are named Braxton
Hicks. It is not mandatory that everyone feel them, but if you do, make a note of them. Keep a
check on how they happen so that you can distinguish between them and the real signs of labor.

4- Get enough sleep – If you’re finding it hard to sleep off at night, try investing in fluffy and
comfortable pillows to support you. Tucking one pillow between your knees and a couple under
your tummy before you go to sleep may help you to get comfy. Remember to sleep on your
side, as this reduces the risk of stillbirth.

5- Start Breastfeeding Preparation – The more you know about how breastfeeding works and its
benefits, the more likely it is to work well for you and your baby. Attending a breastfeeding class during pregnancy may help you to prepare for the real thing. Ask your midwife if your local
hospital runs a class.

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